Fun Fun Fun Fest Day 2: Astronautalis, Metallagher, Broadcast, HEALTH, Crystal Castles, GZA, Of Montreal By Jesse Hughey in Show ReviewsMon.,
Nov. 9 2009 @ 6:31PM

Some people attribute weather changes, fortunate or otherwise, to God. The Riverboat Gamblers' Mike Wiebe thought someone else was responsible for the all-day drizzle and showers that turned Waterloo Park into Mudderloo Park.
"Someone said, 'It was sunny yesterday, I'm surprised it's rainy now,'" he said during his band's set. "I'm like, 'Are you fucking kidding me? Danzig is here.
He flew in on a black pterodactyl. The crops are dying. It's because fucking Glenn Danzig is here!'" As for me, I blame myself for taunting the elements with this ridiculous post about the pretty scenery and lack of Zilker Park mud and dust. Whatever the cause, the weather and slick mud thinned the crowds but couldn't dampen some truly great performances.
Metallagher 3 p.m.
The band is exactly what the name implies: a comedy-metal tribute to Gallagher and Metallica, a mashup that is surely the most brilliant moment of drunken inspiration in the history of musical comedy. Backed by a surprisingly competent Metallica tribute band, a grimy Gallagher impersonator sings Hetfield's lyrics with occasional "suck my dick" improvisations, then smashes fruit during instrumental parts and tells Gallagher's awful xenophobic, chauvenist and just plain stupid jokes between songs. ("I don't fly TWA. I think it stands for Traveling With Arabs. I prefer Delta: Don't Even Let Them Aboard!") It's completely absurd, sing-along awesome and hilarious. "You guys have some weird fruit down here," "Gallagher" said, holding up some unidentfiable thick-skinned fruit. He smashed it with an overhead blow from the Sledge-o-matic, sending red pulp spraying across an audience of people who appeared glad to be wearing raingear and carrying umbrellas. "Twenty bucks, whatever the fuck that was." It was certainly funnier than the real Gallagher, and almost as great as the real Metallica.
Fun Fun Fun Fest review: Metallagher By Chad Swiatecki | Sunday, November 8, 2009, 10:29 PM
The name pretty much says it all. Metallica covers plus lots of smashed foodstuffs, ala unstoppable prop comic Gallagher.
What the name of Minneapolis troupe Metallagher doesn’t give away is how well those two components go together, as evidenced by the dropped jaws and continual cheers the five piece received Sunday at Fun Fun Fun Fest.
With its instrumentalists donning Nelson-esque metal hair wigs, the band peeled through “Creeping Death,” “Battery,” “Blackened” and closing number “One” while its Gallagher impersonator doubled as a fine James Hetfield when not tossing off purposely lame sexual politics jokes from the ’80s that have aged about as well as salmon left in the sun.
Which was all part of the plan, of course, and helped to amp the ridiculous factor even higher than whatever obliterating a watermelon, bananas, a tub of cottage cheese and jug of fruit juice with a sledgehammer will get you.
It wasn’t high concept, but as an early afternoon breather between acts on the Yellow Stage, it was almost perfect. Someone deserves a medal for this.
From Houston Press
Aftermath: Fun Fun Fun Fest In Austin Day 2 - Metallagher, Street Dogs, Lucero, Crystal Castles, Gorilla Biscuits, Danzig By Craig Hlavaty in Live Shots, On the RoadMon., Nov. 9 2009 @ 1:30PM

Photos by Marc Brubaker "Nice to see you too, Metallagher."
Day two of Fun Fun Fun Fest began with a slow and steady rain shower that turned into an all-day headliner. As we walked the ground and felt the rain soak into our clothes we started getting ACL flashbacks. Before we knew it we were walking through acres of mud and muck, albeit clean muck, free of reconstituted fecal matter. That's always high on our list of priorities.
Metallagher on the small Yellow stage on the south side of the venue pretty much made up for the rain in our eyes. The band is a Metallica and Gallagher cover band, donning wigs playing covers of some of Hetfield and company's best tracks. Their lead singer wields a sledgehammer and lays waste to large round fruits just like the real Gallagher, in between sporadic bouts of "comedy" with sample topics including "Ehh-rabs," women and bathroom difficulties.
My Personal Favorite.
From SA Current
Fun Fun Fun Fest will probably be fun
Metallagher. You'll only encourage them.
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